Christmas time was a very busy period at Chestnut Court. The residents enjoyed a number of Christmas activities including a trip out to the Beefeater for Christmas lunch, and the annual residents Christmas Party Day! Lots of fun was had by all on the day, with delicious food and festive treats served all day followed by a musical Christmas production in the evening! All residents, joined by a great number of family and friends, thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the activities and celebrating the festive season with one another. In amongst the festivities, Chestnut Court held a relative’s meeting on the 11th December. These meeting are an invaluable way of making sure that Chestnut Court is doing everything they can to meet the needs of the residents, coming from the people who know them best – their family and friends. We take every piece of advice, be it big or small, into consideration, in order to make the resident’s stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. The feedback from these meetings is hugely positive, and the relatives feel it is a great way to voice their opinions to the manager and other staff at the home. We look forward to holding more of these meetings regularly throughout the year.